It's Good to be a Man

Extending God's house & father-rule by helping men to establish their own houses in strength, workmanship & wisdom.


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Hope you brought a hankie. Every man should carry a hankie. And a knife. And a flashlight. Other things too, but this is not the time.

We publish new content every week through our Discipleship & Dominion newsletter on Substack. This is free—along with hundreds of pages of existing content. Learn to increase your strength, workmanship and wisdom, by walking in God's ways:

3 minutes to read  

Mission, then marriage

Finding and pursuing a godly mission tends to make finding and pursuing a godly woman easier and more successful. When you make finding a wife your mission, you are less likely to find a wife, or a mission.

9 minutes to read  

Singleness is not normal

Marriage is the norm that God established for men and women from the beginning, so to normalize singleness is to normalize the abnormal. There is no “gift” of singleness; there is only the gift of celibacy or the curse of singleness. The counsel in 1 Corinthians 7 is given explicitly as special advice to suspend the normal way of life because of persecution—not as general instructions for the entire church age.

3 minutes to read  

Be careful what you laugh at

Comedy is a powerful tool of acculturation—and it is effective even if you know what it is doing. If you are conditioned to treat our culture’s wrecking of good things as amusing, how will you take it seriously, or remain sober-minded about the work of repair?

2 minutes to read  

5 types of incomplete masculinity

Most men you meet will have an incomplete masculinity, but not all are incomplete in the same way. Understanding that masculinity is comprised of a biblical triad can help in grasping where a particular man goes wrong.

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